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Connie Russell Gorum



As a multifacted entrepreneur, Connie leads a diverse business portfolio across the Workforce Development, Military and Fashion industry. As a teen entrepreneur, Connie was known for styling and selling hats which gave her the distinct nickname of the ‘Fabulous Hat Lady’.  Today she still is known for styling and wearing fabulous hats literally and figuratively.  Connie is the Founder and CEO of C. L. Russell Group, LLC (CLRG) – a learning and development consulting company designing customized training solutions. She is also the founder of the Fashionista Entrepreneur Academy (FashionistaEA) - an entrepreneur learning academy strategically designed to teach young girls in elementary schools entrepreneurship basics. These companies were created from her vision as a teenage mother. She recognized the need to empower and create greater opportunities for youth and young adults experiencing the challenges of early life & workforce skills development in order to achieve success.  Her first step towards a lifetime opportunity was her enlistment in the United States Navy upon graduating from high school. Connie received an honorable discharge and is now a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB). Connie is also a veteran graduate of the Syracuse University ‘Women Veteran Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (V-Wise) Program and the Kaufman FastTrac Veteran Entrepreneur Program.


In 2015, Connie was an honored recipient of the Veterans History Project (VHP) at the Library of Congress American Folklife Center.   Connie is also the author of eCareerTips™ a weekly e-edition of career & workplace tips. She is a member of several business associations and community organizations: The Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber Council (BWCC) – where she serves as the Chair for the Women in Business (WIB) Committee and Board Member. As the WIB Chair, Connie leads monthly business panel forums for successful women business owners in Maryland. In 2015 Connie hosted BWCC’s first Veteran’s Conference for women veteran entrepreneurs. Other affiliations include: DC Chamber of Commerce (DCCC) member where she serves on the Workforce Development Committee, Baltimore Washington Investment Youth Council (BWIB), Workforce Magazine’s Business Intelligence Board, Chief Learning Officer Business Intelligence Board, District of Columbia Society of Certified Public Managers, Prince George's County Transitional Neighborhood Initiative (TNI) and Prince George’s Community College Fabulous 50 Alumni. She also serves as a judge for the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and a mentor for the District of Columbia Public Schools CEO Program.


In 2015, CLRG was awarded Women in Business Champion of the Year Award for the DC Chamber’s Champions Small Business Awards, nominated in 2014 for two D. C. Chamber’s Champion Award and selected as a Learning Elite judge for 2014 and 2015 for the Chief Learning Officer association. 


Connie earned degrees in Strategic Leadership, M.A., Business Management, B.S. and Marketing Management, A.S.  She also received her Public Manager in Municipal Management Certification from The George Washington University. Connie is an advocate and speaker for transitional women veterans, women in business, single parenting and youth entrepreneurship. Her passion and commitment for learning and developing youth & women to achieve a successful life with their passion in mind is the mission of her business and life philosophy.



Connie Russell Gorum, Founder & CEO
Telephone: (240) 257-3141





Entrepreneur - Speaker- Fashion Enthusiast

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