Marketing Corporate Communications

When it comes to consistency, organizations today want to market & communicate to all their stakeholders, as well as transmit credibility and soundness. Our instructional & technology design team creates coordinated promotional messages delivered through multiple channels such as print, digital content and videos.
Marketing your communciations correctly, will creatively increase your performance support outcomes and storytelling abilities to all your stakeholders. We focus on maintaining consistency with your organization's mission and vision. It's more than creating a memo or's about maintaining the vision for your organization!
Our Marketing Communications will:
Demonstrate transparency of the organization’s profile and brand
Minimize discrepancies between the organization’s mission and actual outcomes
Clearly demonstrate procedures, policies, etc.
Mobilize internal and external support for organization’s objectives

What is Performance Support (PS)? PS is any learning modality or resource that is accessible and applicable at the moment of need. It is embedded in the work process such that the learning is accessed in the context of the work flow and helps solve a very specific business problem. PS can be grouped into two categories: Paper-based or Electronic.
Our team of experts will develop customized, convenient and relevant PS systems to extend an organization’s formal training and communications to ‘just-in-time’ resources giving learners what they need, when they need it.
Examples of tools & systems to deliver learning at the moment
of need includes:
• Electronic & Paper-Based Job Aids
• Fingertip Knowledge (eg. communities of practice, online search…)
• Rapid Authoring Systems from Subject Matter Experts,
Including Multi-Channel Publishing