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Our online courses are 'live', engaging, and Snackable! Snackable Learning is for learners who need to know and apply skills now. Each session will highlight specific skills in just enough time to retain the participant's involvement learning time. We have several topics to select from and new topics are added regularly! *Course length ranges from 60 minutes to 3 hours. 



Register now individually or contact us @ (844) 538-2574 to schedule a LIVE online course for your team! Registered participants will receive course material prior to event and certificate of completion.

Woman at Work

How to Ace Your Next Virtual Interview

Date: Tuesday, 06/15/2021

Length: 90 Minutes

Being prepared for virtual interviews will help you stand out with competitive applicants! Read more...


$99/Reg. $149

Smiling Businessman


Date: Tuesday, 6/22/21

Length: 2 hours

One way to advance in your career is to anticipate your supervisor’s needs and build strong relationships with both them and other members of leadership. Read more...


$99/Reg. $149

In a Meeting

Successfully Managing for Unplanned Changes for Managers

Date: Tuesday, 6/29/21

Length: 90 Minutes

Any change especially unplanned changes can have an unsettling impact on employees. Managers can help through thoughtful planning, effective communication, and engaging in exploring how changes can be handled effectively for employees. Read more...



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Virtual Conference

Working From Home | Balancing Productivity and Well Being

Length: 90 Minutes

Achieving work- life balance is something we all strive to do whether working from home or in a traditional office. However, balancing work, home and family while working remotely can be disorienting and exhausting. In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the benefits and strategies to staying productive while working from home. More info.

Woman with Laptop

Successfully Organizing a Productive Workflow

Have you ever been so focused on a work assignment that  you lost track of time? That is many people's idea of personal and professional fulfillment. Not only is such work satisfying for the individual, but it also yields better results for the organization. In this live online course participants will examine the Flow Model, and learn how the model can help them with being more productive. More info.


Empathy in Leadership and the Workplace

Understanding other people’s emotions is a key skill in the workplace. It can help leaders resolve conflicts, build more productive teams and improve relationships with team members. Although many leaders are confident about learning technical skills, they may feel ill-equipped to develop interpersonal skills. In this interactive workshop, participants will explore what it means to demonstrate empathy, discover techniques to create stronger connections to build a culture of honesty and openness, and invest on making a difference to the emotional well-being and productivity of colleagues. More info.

Image by John Schnobrich

Building Virtual Teams

Length: 90 Minutes

Virtual teams are a fact of business life for many organizations and running them effectively is fast becoming a major challenge. In this online course participants will learn what they can do to improve a virtual team's productivity and effectiveness. More Info 







Coping With Loss in a Virtual Team_Cours

Coping With Loss in a Virtual Team

Length: 60 Minutes

COVID-19 brings a grief experience that is new and complicated for many of us. Your virtual team members will likely experience sudden loss or change no differently to a team working closely in the same office. To support a virtual team through loss, managers will need to understand how to support and adjust their approach for a virtual or remote setting."

More Info

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How to Navigate Your Career with Intentions

Length: 90 Minutes

It takes more than ambition and good old-fashioned hard work to navigate your career - you have to know who you are and what you want.  This webinar will help you develop a clear road map to help you achieve this. More Info







Intro to Training

Length: 90 Minutes

Have you ever been asked to train others, even though you have no formal training experience? Having specialized knowledge doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to train others. But it is a skill you can learn!  In this online course, participants will explore how to prepare a training session to share knowledge & skills effectively to others. More Info

Prioritizing_Doing the Work That Matters

Prioritizing: Doing the Work that Matters

Length: 90 Minutes

Prioritization is the key to getting the most from your day, and from your team. Without clear priorities, you can end up bouncing from one task to another, only doing what’s easy, or focusing on other people’s priorities rather than your own. This online course will help participants focus on the essentials, discover why it’s important to prioritize and discover two techniques to tackle your To-Do List to deliver the biggest impact. More Info

A Man Looking at his Tablet Device

Telework Planning: 101

Length: 90 Minutes

Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Communication issues alone can make any job challenging. Being proactive in recognizing these challenges will help employees perform more
efficiently while teleworking. In this webinar, participants will establish additional skills needed to be successful in their work from home environment. More Info

Construction Engineer

Managing Up

Length: 2 Hours

One way to advance in your career is to anticipate your supervisor’s needs and build strong relationships with both them and other members of leadership. Managing up involves handling responsibilities for your supervisors to help them reduce stress and focus on larger work items. Learn more about what it means to manage up, why it’s important and strategies for managing up in the workplace. More info.

Virtual Meeting

Adapting to Change for the Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid approach aims to provide an optimal balance of productive work with reduced stress and less commuting. In this live online course, participants will learn the meaning, benefits, and steps their organization can take to become an efficient hybrid workplace. More info.

Stressed Man

Email Etiquette: Every Professional Should Know

Email is one of the main sources of miscommunication in the workplace. Regardless of the problem, an understanding of and adherence to good email etiquette can reduce or eliminate most issues related to digital communication. This live interactive online course covers writing professional and courteous email correspondence best practices."More Info

Carrer Planning for an Uncertain Future_

Career Planning for an Uncertain Future

Length: 90 Minutes

When the only thing you can be certain of is more uncertainty in the current economic state, now is the time to reassess your career goals that maximizes your flexibility, adaptability, and alternative options. Many people are tempted to succumb to negativity, experience anxiety and lose sight of their career goals. One of the most important pieces of advice a person can do is to stay calm and remain focused. This online course will help individuals learn ways to continue their career planning and discover new opportunities during uncertain times." More Info

Image by Patrick Perkins

Effective Communication in a Crisis

Length: 90 Minutes

Every company, no matter the industry, deals with difficult issues that will arise unexpectedly. No organization is free from the risk of a crisis. So how should leaders communicate to employees when something goes wrong or a major change is about to take place? In this online course participants will learn how to communicate the facts and issues surrounding them clearly, quickly and consistently. More Info

Black Chess Pieces

How to Strategically Move Into a Management Position

Length: 90 Minutes

Although some people do not desire to serve in management roles, for those who do, there are some important steps to take to position themselves to step into these higher-level roles. During this webinar, participants will discover ways to position themselves into a management position. More Info 


Managing Constant Change in the Workplac

Managing Constant Change in the Workplace

Length: 90 Minutes

Change has an impact on most businesses, so it’s important to understand how it can affect your team, and your organization. This course will encourage you to think about what change management is and improve your awareness of what’s involved in creating a change initiative. More Info

In a Meeting

Successfully Managing Unplanned Changes For Managers.

Length: 90 Minutes

Any change especially unplanned changes can have an unsettling impact on employees. Managers can help through thoughtful planning, effective communication, and engaging in exploring how changes can be handled effectively for employees. In this live webinar, participants will learn strategies to strive during unplanned organization changes and explore methods and techniques for effectively communicating change.

More info.





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Time Management Audit

Length: 90 Minutes

Just as a business monitors its stock levels, you need to keep track of your time. How much do you have available? How much should you dedicate to certain tasks? Do you have time available to deal with unexpected demands? You can answer these types of questions by carrying out a time management audit. In this online course, you will explore ways to track your time. Since you can’t increase the number of hours in a day, you need to be diligent about tracking and optimizing the time you have.

More Info

Woman at Work

How to Ace Your Next Virtual Interview

Length: 90 Minutes


Impressing Your Current or Potential Employer Remotely.

If you’re in the market for a new job or a new role within your organization, then chances are you’ll be invited to take part of a video interview. As remote working from home increases, employers have access to a wider field of applicants. Being prepared for virtual interviews will help you stand out with competitive applicants.

More info.


Understanding Workplace Diversity for Managers

Length: 3 Hours

Evolving 21st Century workplaces are collections of individual sexual orientation, religion, ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. This interactive workshop will help equip leaders with techniques to manage and celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together. More info

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Are You Cut Out for Management?

You've been offered a promotion to manager or perhaps considering to take this new career path. Are you ready? Everyone called to manage does not have the qualities it takes to be an effective manager, or may find out after the fact they no longer enjoy serving in a management role. This online course will help you conduct a self-assessment that can prevent you from becoming an "accidental manager. More Info

Conquering Loneliness for Remote Workers

Conquering Loneliness for Remote Workers

Length: 60 Minutes

Remote work offers many benefits, including flexible hours, childcare convenience, commute convenience, etc. But while working from home adds flexibility to people’s lives, it can also bring loneliness. The abrupt shift to remote work might have you longing for the colleagues you turned to when you got stumped, needed a coffee break or some comic relief when you were just having one of those days. Companies with well-developed remote work cultures are aware of these issues and make sure employees feel included no matter where they may be located." More Info

Two Computer Screens

How to Manage the Virtual Workplace

Length: Six (6) Hours

Virtual workers and teams are an essential part of today's workforce. Although there are many benefits to today's virtual workplace, there can be challenges as well.  This online course will help managers prepare employees for the virtual workplace. More Info





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The Impact of Mental Health at Work

Length: 90 Minutes

Prioritizing Your Mental Health at Work Workplace stress isn’t uncommon, but when left unchecked, it can lead to depression and anxiety. When this happens, stress not only creates negative emotions, but it also results in lower productivity, the inability to concentrate on work and strained relationships with colleagues. This online course will help you identify and manage mental health at work."

More Info

Virtual Conference

Managing Your Career | Making the Best of Now for Your Future

Career Management is all about ensuring that you make the most of your working life, both now and in the future. It’s not a one-time event but a lifelong process. In this webinar session, attendees will discover steps in taking control of their career and learn how to perform the classic Personal SWOT Analysis. Coming Soon!

In a Meeting

Successfully Managing Unplanned Changes For Employees.

Length: 60 Minutes

Any change, especially unplanned can have an unsettling impact on individuals. Employees can help through thoughtful planning, effective communication, and engaging in exploring how changes can be handled effectively for everyone. In this webinar, employees will learn strategies to strive during unplanned organizational changes. More Info



1-844-LET-CLRG to schedule a workshop for your employees! 

Download our Training Catalog for our list of additional courses.

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As more organizations adopt telecommuting practices, the benefits are very clear!


Improving productivity, Better for your health, Decreasing costs, and Reducing employee turnover!


CLRG makes it easy for you to continue your business operations & workforce training goals during the coronavirus outbreak. We have webinars to help prepare your team for telework!

C. L. Russell Group, LLC  1200 G Street, NW  | Washington, DC 20005
P.  O.  Box 6392 | Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Email: Tel: (202) 434-8944 or (844) 538-2574 

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